5 Things I Can’t Live Without
Today’s post is all about 5 things that are total essentials for me, things I just can’t live without! It was inspired by a conversation about Man Crates, a company that makes fun gift boxes for guys. The Husband is pretty excited about this concept, since most subscription sampler boxes we hear about are for us ladies, or include things he has no interest in! If I could make my own survival kit box, these things would be in it.
First off, we’re eliminating things like “oxygen” or “water” or “food”! This isn’t a fending-for-your-life kit so much as it is a life-would-really-suck-without-these-things kit. Here we go!
#1: Eyeliner.
It sounds silly, yeah. But I can’t leave the house with at least some eyeliner on. Even if I don’t have time for any other makeup- I have to have on eyeliner.. otherwise I look twelve!
#2: Chocolate.
Not even any particular kind- my favorites tend to change- but my chocolate cravings never do fade! I’d definitely need chocolate in my essentials box!
#3: Craft Supplies.
I’m picturing being stranded on a desert island, with my eyeliner on, my chocolate all eaten, and nothing else to do! Sure, relaxing on the island would be nice for a little while, but I’d surely get bored. Crafting time is my happy time, no matter what the project is. If I had some craft supplies in my essentials box, I’d be all set!
#4: Lip Gloss/Chapstick.
This isn’t just because I want color on my lips- that part doesn’t mean too much to me- I just always feel like my lips are dry and it drives me crazy. Having some kind of lip gloss or chapstick or lip balm in my box would save me from that!
#5: Photos.
Presumably I can’t fit my Husband, family, friends or kitties in the box (well, the kitties would probably try to squeeze in anyway), so photos of all of them would be a must have! That way I could relive moments and smile thinking of them.
What 5 things can you absolutely not live without that you’d want in your essentials box?
Interesting question! Considering, I’ve moved from one country to another and could not take much even using mail service and sending myself the things I could not leave behind.. I took:
1) photographs
2) books
3) things that were part of my interior design (shelf souvenirs, etc)
4) hm, jewelry, of course!
5) things that I made (I was knitting, so they would be scarfs and such)
I love this post, Katie! Fun stuff. And – the man crates really do sound interesting. I bet your hubby’s not the only one pumped up about it. Everyone likes to get happy mail, right?
I really love all five things on your list…Most of them would be my picks too:
1. lip balm (I have the same problem you do)
2. lotion (I’ve got dry, eczema skin, so this is a must)
3. chocolate – um…yes. Enough said.
4. photos/scrapbooks (I once talked with a lady whose home had just burnt down, literally to the ground. She had run back in and grabbed two scrapbooks before evacuating. She said to me, “The house was already gone, I knew, so I grabbed our memories.” That really stuck with me.)
5. other small memorabilia, because memories are forever
Aaaww…man that’s five already. I’d hate to leave craft supplies behind, though. Dang.
This was fun!
My first choice would be my computer, given that electricity and internet is still in play. If not …
1. engagement ring
2. drawing supplies
3. Neutrogena SkinClearing makeup
4. skull jewelry and clothes collection
5. pomegranate cranberry martinis
Pomegranate Cranberry Martinis sound divine!
Love it! I totally agree with you, especially with the eyeliner. I ALWAYS have to put it on before leaving in the morning. My 5 must haves are:
1. Dessert – I can’t help it.
2. Eyeliner
3. Dresses – nothing makes me feel more confident and pretty!
4. Photos – I love photos too!
5. Lip Balm
I wish my husband liked gift boxes-it would make gift giving so much easier!
My 5 things:
1. iPhone. I originally got it just to take credit cards at craft shows and vowed not to be that person who can’t live without their phone. Now I’m that person who can’t live without their phone.
2. E-cig. I quit smoking a year ago and cannot function without my constant companion nicotine. But at least now I won’t get cancer.
3. A jacket. I’m always cold, no matter the weather.
4. Sugar Rose lip treatment. I think I’m dehydrated. My lips are always dry.
5. Prozac. I have had depression since age 13 and Prozac saved my life.
I LOOOVE Sugar Rose! I have a tube in my drawer and one in my purse too! 🙂