Mabel and her Papa, snuggled up watching TV on a lazy Sunday evening.
Mabel and her Papa, snuggled up watching TV on a lazy Sunday evening.
Easter Nail Art: Peeps!
Last year, I had a very cute nail art design for Easter that was reminiscent of a little basket with flowers and decorated eggs. This year, I went for a different Easter staple: Peeps! Continue reading Easter Nail Art: Peeps!
My Etsy Picks: Here Comes Peter Cottontail
*Here comes Peter Cottontail, hoppin’ down the bunny trail, hippity hoppin’ Easter’s on its way!* -Anyone else remember this song/movie?
Let’s celebrate the upcoming holiday with some really adorable handmade Easter themed items found on Etsy! There were SO many to choose from, but these were my favorites.
Project: DIY Pom Pom Easter Bunny
Easter kind of snuck up on me this year! It’s just over a week away and I haven’t really posted anything for it yet. Whoops! I knew I had to get at least one Easter themed DIY on the blog, and I knew it had to be something QUICK and EASY. This little Pom Pom Bun is the perfect solution! Continue reading DIY Pom Pom Easter Bunny
Wordless Wednesday: A Letter To Spring
Dear Spring,
I know you’re out there, somewhere. Still, I’m currently shivering and under a blanket as I type. Get your act together. I want warmth and flowers like the ones above, stat!
Katie Continue reading Wordless Wednesday: A Letter To Spring
Nail Art Design: Rainbow Tips
We had a snowstorm on Friday (which also happened to be the first day of Spring!) Thankfully, it warmed up a little over the weekend and melted a good amount of it. Hopefully the Spring decides to stick around for awhile. In anticipation, I found several Springy nail art designs I want to try, starting with this one! Colorful, isn’t it? Continue reading Nail Art Design: Rainbow Tips