Besties! Hopefully a new home means a new start, and Mabel and Lucky will actually love each other like we intended when we brought her home three years ago! It sure seems that way when they snuggle together on the windowsill after giving each other baths. My little baby cats!
Author: Katie
National Coffee Day!

Yippee! Today is National Coffee Day– my Husband’s favorite holiday! He’s quite the coffee addict… err… lover. We will celebrate this morning with a few cups in our kitchen and later with a FREE cup from Dunkin! All Dunkin Donuts are giving away a free cup of their new Dark Roast, which sounds pretty great to me! Continue reading National Coffee Day!
Wordless Wednesday: Autumn Begins

Wordless Wednesday: Autumn Begins
Today’s Wordless Wednesday post is all about Autumn, my favoritest season of the year! It means perfect weather, changing leaves, seasonal comfort foods and drinks, Halloween (yay!), my anniversary (yay x2!), birthday (yay again!) and Thanksgiving (quadruple yay!) My photo for today is one taken on my wedding day last October at the Morris Arboretum in Philadelphia, shot by my extremely talented photographer, Erika Letitia! Continue reading Wordless Wednesday: Autumn Begins
All Moved In!

All our stuff is officially moved in, and we handed in our keys to our old apartment with a half hour to spare on Saturday night. Lucky is loving the new house, but Mabel- not so much! Continue reading All Moved In!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Mabel!

Ahoy! Today is my baby cat’s birthday! Little Mabel turns three today and we are celebrating by cleaning the entire old apartment and trying to unpack some of the new house. Probably not as fun as she’d like, but we’ll give her toys and treats throughout the day and she won’t notice. Happy birthday, Peanut! You are the silliest cat in the whole world!
P.S.- It also be ‘Talk Like A Pirate Day’ t’day, so ye best be talkin’ like a pirate! Arrrrr!
Moving Day Is Here!

Moving Day Is Here!
Tomorrow morning, bright and early, the movers will be here! That of course means the next 20 hours will be filled with trying to get two days worth of work in, and cleaning and packing til there is nothing left since we’ve officially run out of time! Ahh! Then it’s off to the new place, where I’m certain unpacking will be even more exhausting! That’s why I’m taking a little break…