Featured Etsy Shop: Design and Play
We usually only do our Featured Etsy Shops on Wednesdays, but we teamed up with Belle over at Design and Play to do a very special Friday Feature for you! It’s special, because Belle has the perfect items in her shop for you to give your Mama this Mother’s Day, and she’s giving you the chance to win one!
Tell us a little about yourself…
Hi, I’m Belle behind Design & Play from Canada. I’m obsessed with glitter, coffee and designing.
What do you love about your craft?
What I love most is knowing someone chose my invitation design for their party or event. No matter how many times I’ve sold a particular design – it’s always exciting to see how my customers are using it for different special occasions.
What item was your favorite to make so far?
My favorite item today is the Glitter print of “Home is where Mom is” with the arrow. I am obsessed with glitter in the physical and digital world! Designing prints is something I have always wanted to do since forever. This particular design was a vision in my head for awhile so to finish it is an awesome feeling!
Where do you find your creative inspiration?
Where do I not find creative inspiration! Just today I was looking a child’s book and was inspired by fairy wings and cupcakes! I love textures, playing with colors and small details.
How did you decide to open your Etsy shop?
I had my first shop in 2006 sewing up strange plush animals that I adored making. From that shop came so many opportunities for me but I kept thinking about graphic design. After I closed down my first shop and took a break for awhile – I came back with a plan and a goal.
Any advice for others who want to start their own Etsy shop, or who are looking to fulfill their passion for crafting?
I have a lot of advice for those who want it! First and foremost – keep creating and put it out there to the world. Nobody will know what you are selling if it’s not listed! Don’t get discouraged if you haven’t made your first sale yet or sales are slow. Keep going!
After you check out her Etsy Shop, be sure to check out Belle’s other social media sites, too!
Twitter: twitter.com/designandplay
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/papergirlie/
Now for the Giveaway! This raffle is for one 8×10 print for you to give as a gift to your mom this Mother’s Day! It will run until April 30th at 11:59 PM ET, so the winner will have just enough time to receive the print before Mother’s Day weekend! The contest is open to Canadian & US residents only. Be sure to read the terms and conditions for more info! Good luck, everyone!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I love all the glitter ones the most! Also Home is Where the Dad is. Dads don’t get enough love!
Great read. 🙂 Love the ‘Nobody will know what you’re selling if it’s not listed!’ advice – so true.
Awesome shop!
I LOVE the You are My Sunshine Purple… I sing that song to my babies every day!
Delightful designs! My favorite is https://www.etsy.com/listing/187010757/feather-modern-print-watercolor-print?ref=shop_home_active_12
I love the colors in this: https://www.etsy.com/listing/187010757/feather-modern-print-watercolor-print
Thanks for the chance!
Me favorite item on Design &. Play is “i love my kids print”. Kidlets… So cute!
I love the You are my sunshine print in green, prefect for the baby’s room!
I really like the
Be brave today print, glitter print, modern feather art, modern wall art, positive prints, typography print, purple feather, wall quote
Feather modern print, watercolor print, modern wall art, home decor, purple, blue, watercolor art, feathers, bird, love, family, friendship
My favorite print is the feathers
I like the you are my sunshine print!
I really like the feather modern print! It would look beautiful in my house: https://www.etsy.com/listing/187244692/feather-modern-print-modern-feather-wall?ref=shop_home_active_7
I love the “home is where the heart is print”
I like the home is where the Heart is in Coral.
i like the modern feather print
I really like the colors in the Feather modern print, they are so pretty. ambrerose at(aol) dot(com)
I like the You Are My Sunshine print (https://www.etsy.com/listing/186482644/you-are-my-sunshine-purple-print-modern?ref=shop_home_active_3)
A beautiful day PRINT, flower print decor
Love the “hello” print
I love the “I love my kidlets” print, too cute!