The dirtiest little cat, but also the sweetest. Porker Boy was soooooo happy to have the attention when I went home to visit last week!
New Hope, PA

Husband took off of work on Friday for his birthday, so we took a day trip to New Hope, Pennsylvania! I hadn’t been there since I was little and went with my parents and sister, and Husband had never been at all. It was just as I remember it- the cutest little quaintest town ever. We popped in and out of shops selling adorable crafts and vintage pieces for way less than they should be selling them (or at least way less than I’ve seen similar things sold here in Phila!), and had lunch and ice cream.. three times. Continue reading New Hope, PA
Sunday Funday: Issue 15

Sunday Funday: Issue 15
What a lovely weekend! Friday was off to a rough start. We had so many issues with the car we rented for the day, we had to take it back and switch to a new car which put a huge dent in our day. We also spent a good hour at PennDot getting new licenses since Husband’s was about to expire. That gave me the chance to officially (finally) change my last name to his, so there’s that! We went on to spend the remainder of the evening wandering around New Hope (full post on that tomorrow!) and having an awesome sushi/hibachi dinner! Saturday was spent at Reading Terminal Market and reading books in Washington Square Park. Well, I read. Husband fell asleep! Today we’re going for pedicures (yippee) before what I hope is the continuation of a relaxing birthday weekend for the Husband. I hope your Sunday is wonderful, too! Here are my weekly picks- hope you like ’em!
She acts like she hates being loved… but she is purring like crazy.
Orange Chocolate Cupcake Recipe

Recipe: Orange Chocolate Cupcakes
Well here it is. The last birthday I have to celebrate in May- and it happens to be my Husband’s! (Happy birthday, honey!) While I didn’t bake him cupcakes this year (he opted for salted chocolate pots with caramel sauce instead!), I asked him to pick out his favorite recipe from my stash. Yummy moist chocolate citrus cupcakes with chocolate chips topped with orange buttercream frosting and shaved chocolate bits was the winner. Here you go! Continue reading Orange Chocolate Cupcake Recipe
Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Hello all! I am Natalia from Natalia’s Jewellery and this is my guest post at Katie Crafts.
I always struggled to come up with gift ideas for men. This year, I decided to do research and find a few great ideas. Continue reading Father’s Day Gift Ideas