Not. Amused.
DIY Turban Headband Tutorial

Project: DIY Turban Headband Tutorial
I love the look of turban headbands, but usually they are either WAY too large (Hello! I don’t want 100% of my hair covered or else I’d wear a hat!) OR they are WAY too expensive (Oh Anthropologie, you do it to me every time! $38 for one headband?! I just can’t.) I started searching and found many a tutorial on making your own. Some were great and some were, well, really hard to follow. I took pieces of several different tutorials and came up with my own, for a skinnier version of a turban headband! It isn’t perfect, but I really like how it turned out. Maybe you will too! Continue reading DIY Turban Headband Tutorial
Celebrating Mom!

It’s officially May. That means a few things for me. First, it’s festival season here in Philly (yay!!!). Second, it’s birthday season in my family so I’ll be quite poor by the 31st (I’m counting at least 6!). Third, Mother’s Day is just around the corner on May 11th. And fourth, it’s Brain Tumor Awareness Month! The last two tie together for me in a big way. Continue reading Celebrating Mom!
It’s “shed your winter coat all over the rug” season here at Katie Crafts Headquarters! Lucky had so much hair from a 5 minute brushing session, that Husband was able to fashion another cat out of it. How quaint!
Featured Etsy Shop: Hannahdoodle

Featured Etsy Shop: Hannahdoodle
Meet Hannah! [Hi, Hannah!] She’s from “Handmade by Hannahdoodle” over on Etsy. She creates the most insanely cute little felt brooches, plushies and more you ever did see. Get ready for your head to explode- and it will when you’ve seen her happy little French-toast-with-a-mustache-brooch! Continue reading Featured Etsy Shop: Hannahdoodle
May Ad Swap with Katie Crafts!

May is in just a few days, so it’s time to seek out new cute blogs to swap ads with again! We also have some new choices for sponsorships, if that is something you are looking for. Read on below for more details if you want to sponsor or swap ads with Katie Crafts this month! Continue reading May Ad Swap with Katie Crafts!