Lucky is such a sexy cat!
Nail Art: Feelin’ Blue

Nail Art: Feelin’ Blue
All weekend I felt blue. But not, sad-blue. Blue-skies-blue! It was a gorgeous weekend outside, and I had a great time walking around the gardens and the city, taking in the beautiful weather and blue skies. Feelin’ blue as I was, I decided to end the weekend with a blue manicure. Continue reading Nail Art: Feelin’ Blue
Sunday Funday: Issue 11

My hope is that while this post is being published, I’m still in bed catching up on sleep! Big dreams. I’m also hoping that today I can get a lot done with my craft projects for the week, and finally (hopefully) get up photos from my honeymoon six months ago that I have been dragging my feet on uploading. I’ll have to do a post with pics from it, because it was a gorgeous trip [to Italy]! Continue reading Sunday Funday: Issue 11
5 Quotes From Artists

I really liked looking for quotes on creativity for my post awhile back. They were so inspiring, and I found SO many good ones while I was searching Pinterest. I’ve been gathering up quotes ever since, and have five new ones to share with you today! These aren’t just quotes about being creative, getting inspired or dreaming big- they are quotes FROM famous artists. That makes me love them even more. 🙂 Hope you find them as inspiring as I do! Continue reading 5 Quotes From Artists

Featured Etsy Shop: Design and Play

Featured Etsy Shop: Design and Play
We usually only do our Featured Etsy Shops on Wednesdays, but we teamed up with Belle over at Design and Play to do a very special Friday Feature for you! It’s special, because Belle has the perfect items in her shop for you to give your Mama this Mother’s Day, and she’s giving you the chance to win one! Continue reading Featured Etsy Shop: Design and Play