Lucky, in his Easter Sunday Best, wishes you and yours the very happiest of Easters!
Sunday Fun(ny)day: Issue 10

Sunday Fun(ny)day: Issue 10
HAPPY EASTER!!!! To set a nice and light tone for the day, I’m making this a special Sunday Funday issue. It will have ONLY the “Things That Make Me Giggle” and nothing else! Thus, it is a Sunday Fun(ny)day for sure! I hope you enjoy all these silly and adorable things on this beautiful holiday! Continue reading Sunday Fun(ny)day: Issue 10
My Fave Etsy Easter Picks!

Yesterday we celebrated Good Friday. Sunday we celebrate Easter. Today we celebrate my oldest friend: it’s her wedding day! While you are curled up at home reading this awesome post about awesome Etsy shops and their awesome Easter items, I’ve already got my hair done up all fancy and am currently toasting the bride in her suite as we don our bridesmaids dresses and chat about the big day ahead! Continue reading My Fave Etsy Easter Picks!

Nail Art: Easter Design

Nail Art: Easter Design
This week’s nail art design is perfect for Easter Sunday! It incorporates little speckled Easter eggs and a little lattice/basket weave accent nail with flowers. They are simple and easy and were fun to paint (even if they were a little hard to do on my left hand!) Continue reading Nail Art: Easter Design
Throwback Thursday: Easter Edition

Little sis and me on Easter some 25+ years ago at my Gram’s house. Mom always put me in white gloves. Jessie, not so much. She knew they’d be dirty within seconds.