Featured Etsy Shop: Omgsrsly

Featured Etsy Shop: Omgsrsly
It’s officially the last Wednesday of March, thus the end of National Crochet Month is nearing. Fear not, though! That doesn’t mean Etsy Featured Shops are a thing of the past. In fact, there are a few more already lined up, so stay tuned! For now, we will close out National Crochet Month with an interview by an extremely talented (and awesome!) Etsy newcomer: Allison from omgsrsly: handcrafted sass! Continue reading Featured Etsy Shop: Omgsrsly
DIY Honey and Lemon Face Mask

Project: DIY Honey and Lemon Face Mask
If you liked my post about making your own lip scrub, you’re going to love today’s post! This face mask contains only three ingredients and is all natural. It’s great for your skin and will leave you feeling refreshed. It also makes a great homemade addition to an Easter basket! Continue reading DIY Honey and Lemon Face Mask
The Husband’s Recipe Box: Crockpot Chicken Cordon Bleu

WHOA! Do you guys smell that? It totally smells like Chicken Cordon Bleu in a Crockpot to me! While Katie was away partying with the ladies this weekend, I decided to hunker down in the kitchen with our two cats, Lucky and Mabel, to recreate one of the first meals I ever made for her! Continue reading The Husband’s Recipe Box: Crockpot Chicken Cordon Bleu
Sunday Funday: Issue 6

Hip Hip Hooray! It’s officially SPRING! Sadly, the furthest I’ve gone in the “nice” weather was to the coffee shop (where I’m currently sitting). That’s okay though. By the time you read this I’ll already be in Atlantic City celebrating the bride-to-be’s bachelorette party! Don’t be jealous. It’s early still, and you have your whole Sunday in front of you. Before you shut your laptop, take a gander at my Sunday Funday: Issue 6! Continue reading Sunday Funday: Issue 6