Hip hip hooray! Katie Crafts has been nominated for a Liebster Award! “What the heck is that?” you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. First, let’s define Liebster: it’s German origins tag it as meaning “beloved, sweetheart, darling.” That being said, it’s an award that is given to bloggers by bloggers, to recognize us little guys who are just starting out and/or haven’t made it big yet- those of us who are just darling and deserve for others to know that! My nomination came from the lovely Alison (thank you!) over at Texas Farmer’s Daughter. I’m in love with her blog (and her Etsy shop!) so be sure to check both of them out! Continue reading Liebster Award!
Sunday Funday: Issue 4
Happy Daylight Savings Day! All right, it’s probably not too happy. It is your Sunday, after all. The last glimmer of your weekend, and you just had to give up an hour of it to the Daylight Savings Gods. Pity. Try to enjoy the rest of it with a cup of coffee and my Sunday Funday: Issue 4! Continue reading Sunday Funday: Issue 4
Colorful Air Plant Display
I mentioned that I bought some plants at the Flower Show the other day. Well, they weren’t just any plants. They were air plants, that are super cool and require little attention and can be mounted on my wall in weird test tube type glass containers. So it’s basically true love. Continue reading Colorful Air Plant Display
2014 Philadelphia Flower Show Recap!
We spent the entire day yesterday {read: 6+ hours} at the Philadelphia Flower Show (and yes, I *did* in fact paint my nails to look like little butterfly wings for the occasion!). It was a wonderful date, as usual, and we took tons and tons of photos. Here’s just a glimpse of what we saw! Continue reading 2014 Philadelphia Flower Show Recap!
Small Crocheted Bowl
Project: Small Crocheted Bowl Pattern
You may remember me mentioning that I acquired a new crafting desk from IKEA the other day. I won’t be posting photos of it til it’s 100% completed and adorable, but in the process of getting it to that point I’m finding I need more storage baskets and bowls than I’d realized. Rather than buy even more than I already have, I thought I’d take a stab at making them myself! Continue reading Small Crocheted Bowl