Featured Etsy Shop: Made With Sweetness
If you weren’t already aware, the entire month of March is National Crochet Month! In celebration of such, I’ll be featuring one Etsy shop each week that specializes in crocheted items! First up is the very talented Zainab of Made With Sweetness! You’re going to love the handmade headbands and flowers!
Continue reading Featured Etsy Shop: Made With Sweetness
Project: 80s Dance Party Nail Art Design
It’s very rare that my sister, Jessica, lets me paint her nails. However, when I brought home some really fun nail polish colors and told her it was for my blog, she agreed (she still, of course, rolled her eyes so hard they almost fell out of her head.) We dubbed it 80s Dance Party! Continue reading Nail Art: 80s Dance Party
Yesterday, March 2nd, was National Old Stuff Day! Yes, it really exists. It’s a day to appreciate all things antique and vintage! I have a few old pieces in my home that belonged to my Grams, Mom-Moms, Aunt Jo and the Husband that I’m excited to share with you! Continue reading Celebrating Old Stuff Day: My Vintage Finds!
Brrrrr!! It’s ridiculously cold out there this weekend, with another snowstorm on the way! I plan on staying bundled up at home all day today, and I hope you get to do the same. While you’re under the covers, enjoy my Sunday Funday: Issue 3! Continue reading Sunday Funday: Issue 3