Sewing Themed March Photo Challenge!
The Daily Seam is one of my favorite Facebook pages to follow! There are a ton of things posted each and every day that I find useful, so I look forward to learning new things all the time via the links they share. This weekend, they shared a Photo Challenge that they are doing for this month that is sewing-themed, and I just have to participate!
Their challenge (photo above courtesy of their Facebook page!) has some really great picks on it that I can’t wait to photograph. For yesterday, I snapped a quick pic of my “favorite tool” which was harder to choose than you’d think! When it came down to it, it was either my pinking shears or my seam ripper, and I had to give the title to the latter. It’s helped me fix many a mistake so it wins.
Be sure to follow my Instagram page (and The Daily Seam‘s!) for new photos every day for the challenge! And make sure you use the hashtag #TheDailySeam if you participate! That way, they can find you and share your fun pics with their followers too (like they did with mine below!)
Are you participating in any photo challenges right now? If I made one up for a future month, what kind of theme would you want to do?
Very cool! I’ve always wanted to participate in a photo challenge, I just know I won’t be able to follow the rules LOL
Sounds like a fun challenge. I love Instagram photo challenges, but sometimes they’re hard to keep up with. I like the random ones, where you post a pic of daily life. I’ve never really done a themed one.
What a great challenge! Looking forward to your pictures!
Cool challenge! Sewing and I just never worked out.