Tax season is almost over. The dreaded-by-many Tax Day is usually April 15th, but this year will be April 18th- so you procrastinators out there have a little extra time! As an Etsy seller myself, I know how confusing selling online can be when it comes time to file taxes. Any little bit of advice can help, so I was thankful to see this infographic from the US Tax Center!
Selling online may seem daunting, but it’s much easier than you may think! Besides, having a whole new platform for potential clients to see your awesome handmade items can’t be a bad thing, right!?
Etsy has a place for everything so it isn’t hard to stay organized with your orders. You should also keep track of what materials you buy to make all your items because some of it can be written off!
Here are some tips and a great tax write-off checklist to make filing for your small business much easier.
What tips do you have for filing taxes?
This is an awesome infografic, Katie! Very helpful!
Great tips! We’re going to need them next year, as we’re starting an online comic shop May 1st.
Great tips Katie! Very educational!