Happy Wednesday! Last week, I shared a few pics of my Husband’s work retreat at Grape Hollow Farm! The photo for this Wordless Wednesday also comes from that trip!
As I’d mentioned, Husband hiked up a mountain while he was there. He took some seriously gorgeous photos of his mountaintop view, one of which is above! Isn’t it divine? Here are a few more of the top of the mountain and the farmhouse property.
It was really hard to pick which photo to use as the featured image this week because they are all so pretty! Which one is your favorite?
The top photo is my favorite too! It is a very rear view. My list of the places when I got to take a picture of view like that is very-very short. Could be longer 🙂 as we have high mountains all around us, but we do not really go hiking.
I’d love to see some of your photos!
My favorite is that last shot. Great scenery! Looks like a postcard.
Isn’t it lovely!?
The last one! The view is beautiful, I love the scenery.