Little sis and me on Easter some 25+ years ago at my Gram’s house. Mom always put me in white gloves. Jessie, not so much. She knew they’d be dirty within seconds.
Little sis and me on Easter some 25+ years ago at my Gram’s house. Mom always put me in white gloves. Jessie, not so much. She knew they’d be dirty within seconds.
Katie Crafts has only been officially launched for a little over two months now, but today is the 100th post! Okay, okay, you got me. About 30 of the posts are cat pics. Whatever. That means 70 are full on content, and I’m still excited to see “100 published posts” on the top of my page! I am celebrating with a flash sale in my Etsy shop! Also, it’s Tax Day today, so put your tax return to good use and spend it on yourself. 😉 Continue reading It’s My 100th Post!! Let’s Celebrate!
This is our first and last “free weekend” for a long while! Then it’s at LEAST 5 (probably 6, maybe 7) straight weekends in a row of events, plans and a trip thrown in the mix! Don’t get me wrong, I’m super excited for each of these things- but I do so love a free weekend. Enjoy yours too as you read Sunday Funday: Issue 9! Continue reading Sunday Funday: Issue 9
Today’s Playlist: 90’s Boy Bands
For whatever reason, the last week straight I’ve been singing pretty much nothing but songs from 90’s boy bands in my head. And by ‘in my head’ I mean out loud as I work, as I fold clothes in our building’s laundry room, and as I write this post. And now YOU will have them stuck in your head, too! So hah! Continue reading Today’s Playlist: 90’s Boy Bands
I adore getting packages in the mail, especially when I have no idea what the contents are! I’ve been thinking of doing a handmade swap for awhile now, and came up with some ideas on how to do it. You need not be an Etsy seller or even a superstar crafter to participate! Anyone who wants to send a cute little gift and receive a cute little gift is welcome! Continue reading First Handmade Swap!
This week seriously flew by! I feel like I got pretty much nothing accomplished, and sadly have to spend the entirety of my Sunday playing catch up. Hopefully your day is more relaxing! If you’re just as busy as I am, at least take a moment to enjoy my Sunday Funday: Issue 8! Continue reading Sunday Funday: Issue 8