Their owners come home this weekend, so I’ll have to say goodbye to the three furbabies I was taking care of all summer. I’ll miss these guys! Especially Biggie (pictured last)- he was such a quiet sweet little guy! He’s also a foster, so if anyone in the Philly area is looking for a kitty- he can be yours! Then I can visit him again! Yay!
Tag: marshal
Sunday, Lazy Sunday!

Our normal “Sunday Funday” will be a “MONDAY Funday” tomorrow instead, as Katie Crafts has been having technically difficulties all day and the post couldn’t get finished… and now it’s super late and I’m too tired! Haha! Enjoy these pics of our kitties and the kitties we are sitting for right now instead! Happy Sunday!
Marshal is the loveliest in all the land. He also loves selfies.
This summer, we are cat-sitting for these three little lovies, so expect to see more pics of them on the blog! Meet Samantha (top left), Marshal (bottom left) and Biggie (right)!