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Motivation Monday: Be Brave

Motivation Monday: Be Brave on Katie Crafts;

Last year, I did a Featured Etsy Shop post for Fickle Fox Design (formerly Kyle Looby Jewelry). She gave away a beautiful “Be Brave” bracelet in the post, and sent me one as a thank you as well (along with a customized Katie Crafts one!) I wear Be Brave every day with my bangles, as a daily reminder. Continue reading Motivation Monday: Be Brave

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Motivation Monday: Be Awesome!

Motivation Monday: Be Awesome! on Katie Crafts;

I feel like we all may need a little motivation this Monday! Some people have already ushered their kids back off to school, some are enjoying the last week of Summer vacation before Labor Day arrives, some just had a long weekend in general! Whichever may be the case for you, remember to be awesome today! Continue reading Motivation Monday: Be Awesome!